All news around the world in brief.
Read latest news headlines on 25 topics.
Updates few times per day.
Easy switch between news topics.
Create your own favourite list of news topics.
Data provided by The New York Times.
Use Top Stories skill to know what is going on.
With Top Stories skill for Alexa you can:
* Quickly get on top of most fresh news.
* Select only topics you are really interested in.
* Get updates few times per day.
* Easy switch between news topics.
Data provided by The New York Times.
How To use Top Stories
List of commands
'Alexa, open Top Stories'
'Alexa, open Top Stories and tell me about arts'
'Alexa, change topic to business'
'Alexa, switch to science'
'Alexa, my favorites'
'Alexa, give me my favorite list'
'Alexa, clean my favorite list'
'Alexa, delete my favorites'
'Alexa, save arts as my favorite'
'Alexa, add world to my favorites'
'Alexa, add travel to favorite list'
'Alexa, remove food from favorites'
'Alexa, delete insider from my favorite list'
'Alexa, next' (only works when reading news from the favorite list)
'Alexa, help'
Available news topics:
- home
- opinion,
- world',
- national,
- politics,
- upshot,
- nyregion,
- business,
- technology,
- science,
- health,
- sports,
- arts,
- books,
- movies,
- theater,
- sundayreview,
- fashion,
- tmagazine,
- food,
- travel,
- magazine
- realestate,
- automobiles,
- insider